70 feeds in this category
Feed of book reviews Looks for #bookreview or the words book and review
A feed for all Letterboxd reviews or usernames. Can be used in conjunction with the "🎥" feed.
by @Alex Zalben
News about comic books from reliable sources. May also include previews and reviews (among other things). No gossip, no comicsgate.
Keywords (hashtags/plurals okay, can exclude spaces): fantasy dildo, fantasy toy, fantasy sex toy, silicone toy, silicone dildo, silicone squish, dong sale, indie dildo, indie silicone, indie toy, sex toy collection, dildo collection, furry dildo, tentacle dildo, dong design, sex toy review, +more
by @Eddie
This feed is for everything related to vintage sewing machines. Captures any #vintagesewing, #vintagesewingmachine post. Posts tagged with #vsm appear after review. BlueskyFeedCreator.com
Sci-fi and Fantasy book reviews from the past week. To have your review included, use #BookReview and at least one of these terms: Fantasy, SciFi, SFF, and/or Science Fiction.
by @gausscone
Catch-all for several of the first-party Paradox games; digestibility pending theoretical review. On the map: Hearts of Iron, Europa Universalis, Crusader Kings, Stellaris, Imperator: Rome, Victoria (no. req.)
by @MeliN
must love all things wine, wine lover, wine reviews, wine photos, wineries, pairings and all your knowledge and favorites. Use #winesky or 🥂🍷
KMän previews and hypes forthcoming metal releases, including links to singles and videos. #TheUpcomingTerror @kmanriffs.bsky.social.
Welcome to ARCSky! Readers can find available ARCs and authors can find ARC readers with #ARCSky! This curated feed searches relevant hashtags related to ARC reading, ARC reviewing, and ARC sign ups! If you receive an ARC, do not share it with others or share it to piracy sites.
An expanded book feed for DARK ROMANCE READERS. #darkromancereaders #blueskydarkromance #blueskydarkromancebooks #blueskydarkromancereaders #blueskydarkromanceauthors #blueskydarkromancereviews #blueskydarkromancebookreviews
Queer book reviews from the past week. To have your review included, use #BookReview and at least one of these terms: Sapphic, Lesbian, Achillean, Gay, Trans, Queer.
Sapphic Fiction book reviews from the past week. To have your review included, use #BookReview and at least one of these terms: Sapphic or Lesbian