Top feeds from 6 subcategories
Anyone can post to this feed using #WomenInSTEM. Follow to post using only one of these emojis: 👩🔬|👩🏻🔬|👩🏼🔬|👩🏽🔬|👩🏾🔬|👩🏿🔬
Economics BlueSky feed Post with: #econsky (emojis no longer work)
All things indie music from rock, punk, folk, hip hop, country, avant-garde, experimental, and more indie ephemera.
A feed of College Football Adjacent Accounts. The following hashtags and emoji will show up in the feed: #cfb, #collegefootball, #ncaafb, #cfbsky, #fbs, #fcs, #d2fb, #d3fb, #appoll, #aptop25, #cfbplayoff, #collegefootballplayoff, #doink,🏟️,"🎓🏈"
For all your college football needs! Use the tags 🎓🏈, #CFB, #CFBsky, #Collegefootball,#NCAAFB,#FCS,#D2FB,#D3FB to get posts to show up here Update: Most conference tags should now also work on here but it's not letting me list them all in the description
by @Patrick
Feed for journalists, academics, and independent researchers, covering and exposing the far-right. Includes researchers from across the US and Europe. Anyone can use the hashtag "#AntiExtremistResearch" on an original post for it to be included in the feed.
by @chris
This feed captures posts about the Oregon Ducks, including those using #GoDucks or terms related to the college's football, basketball, soccer, baseball and other Big Ten teams. Not affiliated with the University of Oregon.
by @Leandraa
Fil d'actu pour suivre les posts en français liés à la littérature et à la lecture ( Livre, BD, Comics, Manga, auteur, autrice, bibliothèque, librairie, french books ...). Si vous voulez faire apparaître vos posts dans le feed ajoutez #lectureFR
by @SETO Iku 🧶
手帳|手帖|スケジュール帳|バレットジャーナル|トラベラーズノート|planner|bullet journal|bujo 上記の単語を含む画像ありポストをひろいます(3日分)
Read FREE NEWS from major publications by finding gift links people have shared on Bluesky.
by @Leandraa
Pour suivre les posts en français sur les littératures de l'imaginaire #livre #SFFF #science-fiction #Fantasy #Fantastique #Littérature #lecture #ecriture #french #book #books Si vous voulez faire apparaître vos skeets dans le feed ajoutez #lectureSFFF
by @Carpe Idiom
Feed de livres français. Partagez vos bonnes idées de livres! Lecture et littérature Tag: #livresFR