168 feeds in this category
Posts by historians using 🗃 or skystorians; @rauchway.bsky.social to be added as poster. https://erauchway.github.io/posts/bsky/
A randomly sorted feed for #art posts with fewer than 20 likes. Note: #art can be in the text or alt text! *Limited to 3 days of history!* *No AI/NFT
A general history feed pulling in #history and all posts from select Bsky historians. Don't forget to 📌 and ❤️️!
by @Valerie
Posts highlighting the awesome world of galleries, libraries, archives, museums, and special collections (GLAMS). Contact @vfo to be added to contributor list, and then use the scroll emoji (📜) to include a post in the feed. Please use alt text in images.
Tracking "#histsci", "#histtech", "history of science" https://track.goodfeeds.co/
by @
ブルーアーカイブ関連のポストが人気順に表示されます! ※負荷軽減のためポストの読み込み期間を直近1週間から3日に、表示数を200件に制限しています 申し訳ありません 以下詳細 ブルアカ, ブルーアーカイブ, bluearchive, blue archiveが含まれるポスト全般をHN rankingが高い順に並び替え
by @keri
Sourcing fashion and textile history. Pulls in recent posts with the emoji combos🗃️🪡 or 🗃️👗 and tags or keywords: #FashionHistory #VintageFashion #DressHistory, etc. feed owner: @keristars.bsky.social
Genealogy posting and discussion. Ping @jakei.bsky.social to be added to the list for your posts to show up. sample keywords: genealogy | ancestry | lineage | 🧬 | 🌳 | Genealogical| gedcom | OneNameStudies| OnePlaceStudies| Genealogical| genealogist(s) | familyhistory
by @Jan Eijking
Feed for History/IR content – historians, IR folks, and anyone interested. Filters for "HistIR", "Historical IR", and "HistoryIR". If you'd like to be added to the list, just tag me @janeijking & let me know. This is work in progress – suggestions welcome!
by @Greg Priest
Philosophy of history and historiography. Use #philhist, philosophy of history, historiography, 🗃🧠, or 🧠🗃 (no spaces) anywhere in your post to add it to the feed. Curated by @gregpriest.bsky.social.
by @Matt Eaton
This is a feed to chat to share your past / current / future history book reading habits. Simply use the keywords histbookchat, #histbookchat or historybookchat to appear in the feed. BlueskyFeedCreator.com
A feed for the BlueSky genealogy / family history chat #GenHour, which takes place 8pm-9pm UK time on Thursdays. This shows all posts (including replies, but not re-posts) containing the #GenHour hashtag posted in the previous 7 days.
Tracking "#bookhistory", "#manuscripts" https://track.goodfeeds.co/
Tracking "ao3" and "archive of our own" from up to 7 days ago. Including replies and reposts. Works on hashtags, alt texts, and links too.