289 feeds in this category
Elected officials, DNC members, state party members, and other prominent Democrats. Sorted to show recently-popular posts at the top. Based on this list: https://bsky.app/profile/davidsacerdote.bsky.social/lists/3lcj7k6d7jt2t Ask to be included. Like & Pin this feed so you & others can find it
by @hailey
by @Dave Hooper
A feed dedicated to all things related to US Politics. It collects posts using a huge array of keywords. You can contribute to the feed using the tag #USPOL. Note, the feed is sometimes delayed. If you have suggestions on improving the feed please reach out to @itsonelouder.com
by @Fenarinarsa
Posts related to THE OWL HOUSE. - Looks for related words or hashtags (mainly "owl house" and "#toh" + ships) and adds a selection of reposts by @hoot-toh.bsky.social - NSFW might slip in. Check your Moderation settings. - Disable your language filter to see all content.
by @Conor L
Feed for the Irish General Election November 2024 #ge24, #ge2024, #election24, and #GEIreland
🇧🇱🇺🇪 🌊 #rtUSA 🇷🇪🇸🇮🇸🇹🇪🇷🇸 Against maga Hate! Keep Our Democracy Alive! 🇺🇸 All are welcomed here. If you find something inappropriate or hateful, please post the issue. It will be looked into. Include hashtag #BlueResisters to your posts and It will show up here. We are Stronger Together! 💙
Curated selection of baseball writers and baseball websites. There may be "posting bots" like for MLBTR but it's not an algorithm feed. To be added to the list go here: https://forms.gle/f8VqzdicbphaT1mp7
feed on gender & politics, running on the main feed and a gender list managed by @matildecer.bsky.social Tag as gendersky BlueskyFeedCreator.com
by @Rocko
We moved to better serve Portland Oregon Bluesky. https://bsky.app/profile/did:plc:fgnkp5yb6fuvxsqpqpnan46u/feed/tstpdx
by @NewsBeacon
A reverse-chronological feed about U.S. news and politics, from verified news organizations and journalists. Maintained by @newsbeacon.co
by @Jodi Taylor
Use #JodiTaylorBooks to ensure relevant posts are included. Lots of tea, history, and Disaster Magnet mayhem, but no self-promotion, spam, politics, or religion, please. Click on the three dots by the pin to like the feed, and then click on the pin to find it on your home page.
Posts about Danish politics. Opslag om dansk politik. Captures all the posts and replies with the "dkpol" and "dkpolsky" tags (with or without hashtags). For suggestions or problems with the feed, feel free to get in touch with @saorhan.bsky.social.
A feed for public administration and public policy research and discussion. For academics and people who want to follow scholarship, not general discussion/rants/etc. Ask @andrew.heiss.phd to be added. Tag posts with "PAsky" or 🏛️ or "policysky"