Top feeds from 5 subcategories
by @えるたん
「リツイート直後のツイートを表示するやつ」にインスパイアされた「リポスト直後のポストが流れてくるフィード」です(個人運営のため突然のエラー等ご容赦ください) This feed displays the Post immediately after the Repost (under private management) リポストも含めた「RepostNextPost+」もあります
Elected officials, DNC members, state party members, and other prominent Democrats. Sorted to show recently-popular posts at the top. Based on this list: Ask to be included. Like & Pin this feed so you & others can find it
by @hailey
Este feed mostra publicações com palavras relacionadas ao meio literário. O objetivo é reunir pessoas interessadas em literatura, pessoas que escrevem e pessoas do mercado editorial. Posts com💙📚 ou 📚💙 também aparecem no feed. Seu post não aparecerá se tiver “follow trick” no texto.
🇬🇪🇪🇺 Georgia Protests | Latest News | Updates #TerrorInGeorgia #GeorgiaProtests #Georgia #Tbilisi
A curated feed for all things data visualization. Sharing your work, how-to's, opinions, external resources, etc. are all welcome! Include the 📊 emoji in your post. Sign up and get more information at
Welcome to the BTS music & lyrics analysis feed! Use #btsmusic to post translations, analysis, production interests, or anything related you want to discuss! Keep it friendly and thoughtful 💜 // Made at
Seeking economic justice and scrutinising capitalist power. This feed provides a radical leftist take on current events, politics, and economics through a socialist lens. Our goal is to spread class consciousness and empower the marginalised. Solidarity!
by @Sarah LR
Local news stories, preferably not paywalled, shared with #LocalNews by any user
Local News Organizations and Media Outlets covering Southern California (Los Angeles, Orange County, Riverside County and San Bernardino County).
Posts mentioning Palo Alto or including a link to a local news outlet Excludes terms related to Palo Alto Networks