60 feeds in this category
A feed for Doctor Who, shows every post with #doctorwho in it, also other doctor who related words. @hasrock36.gay to report issues
by @Dr Rob
A feed to help Whovians find and connect with fellow fans. Use #DoctorWho, #WhoSky, or ❤️❤️➕🦋 to be included.
A #Medsky feed for healthcare workers in the field of Internal Medicine and IM subspecialties. Keywords include Internal Medicine, IMsky, Cardiosky, Endosky, GastroSky, Hemesky, IDsky, Nephsky, Oncsky, Pulmsky, Rheumsky. Users with @medsky.social's IM-related labels will be added to curation list.
by @Doctors Without Borders / Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF)
Updates from Doctors Without Borders' work in Palestine. Surgical and wound care, physiotherapy, postpartum care, primary health care, vaccination, and mental health services, in addition to critical watsan activities.
Doctor Who feed catching discussions of Doctor Who, Weeping Angels, Cybermen, & Daleks. Tag @kep.rinvelo.com to add more keywords for inclusion
A #Medsky feed for healthcare workers, researchers, and patients in the field of radiology and radiology-related medicine. Keywords include Radiology & RadSky. Add a @medsky.social Radiology label to be included in the curation list. Post order is a blend of new and trending content.
by @Doctors Without Borders / Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF)
Posts about critical humanitarian news and advocacy.
ALLONZ-Y, ALONSO! Postagens com palavras chave na língua portuguesa.
A #Medsky feed for healthcare workers, researchers, and patients in the field of GI and GI-related medicine. Keywords include Liversky, Gastrosky, & GIsky. Add a @medsky.social GI label to be included in the curation list. Post order is a blend of new and trending content.
by @Jace Mullen
Prehospital Sky is the home of posts for all of us who work outside the hospitals walls. Prehospital, HEMS, austere and wilderness medicine are all welcome. #EMSsky is the tag, Prehospital Sky is the feed.
A #Medsky feed for healthcare workers in the field of Nephrology. Use keywords nephsky or nephrology to have posts included on the feed. Users with @medsky.social Nephrology labels will be added to curation list. Post order is a blend of new and trending content.
A feed for posts from Black folks in medicine and healthcare including physicians, APPs, RNs and other healthcare workers. Use #AddToBlackMedSky at least once to add all your posts to the feed. Use #BlackMedSky to add individual posts.
A #Medsky feed for healthcare workers, researchers, and patients in the fields of hematology, oncology, and other cancer-related medicine. Keywords include oncsky hemesky, oncology, hematology, cancersky. Users with any of @medsky.social's heme/onc labels will be added to curation list.
A #Medsky feed for healthcare workers in the field of Emergency Medicine and EM subspecialties. Keywords include Emergency Medicine, EMsky, EMedSky. Users with @medsky.social's EM-related labels will be added to curation list. Post order is a blend of new and trending content.