238 feeds in this category
Anyone can post to this feed using #WomenInSTEM. Follow @afreeparticleemoji.bsky.social to post using only one of these emojis: 👩🔬|👩🏻🔬|👩🏼🔬|👩🏽🔬|👩🏾🔬|👩🏿🔬
Economics BlueSky feed Post with: #econsky (emojis no longer work)
A general history feed pulling in #history and all posts from select Bsky historians. Don't forget to 📌 and ❤️️!
A feed for sociological research and discussion. Tag = #sociology, #sociological, or #socsky Also includes all posts (not replies) with the words sociology or sociologist (temporary experiment)
The Evolutionary Biology Feed shares posts related to evolutionary biology news and research. Currently monitors: #evosky #evolsky #evobio #evolbiol #phylo #popgen #ecoevo #evodevo #molevol #paleobio #systematics
A broad and inclusive feed for academic philosophy on Bluesky. Tag posts with #PhilSky, #philosophy, or any major subfield (e.g. #epistemology, #metaphysics, #moralphil, #philsci) to include them in this feed. Also includes #PhilJobs, #PhilEvent, #PhilCFP, etc. New tags added upon request.
Posts tagged with #Physics or ⚛️ from physicist members of Science feed. To be added to the Physicists list, tag @physgal.bsky.social with evidence you're a physicist or physics teacher (website, ORCID id, etc..)
Tracking "#histsci", "#histtech", "history of science" https://track.goodfeeds.co/
This feed is for people in the LGBTQ+ community who work or study STEM (academic, industry, etc). You can post to the feed using the terms #LGBTQSTEM #LGBTSTEM #PrideInSTEM #BiInSci #TransInSTEM #QueerInSTEM #IntersexInSTEM #AceInSTEM #AroInSTEM - please let me know if you want other tags adding!
Gay Men Loving Gay Books is a niche feed for gay authors and their readers including gay literature, gay fiction, gay non-fiction, gay romance, gay MM romance
by @James Marsh
A home for microbiology and microbiologists in the sky. Sign up to be a contributor here: http://bit.ly/microsky (only contributors can post to the feed). Tag posts with #MicroSky (case insensitive) or 🦠 or 🧫 and enjoy! Get in touch: jmarsh.bsky.social
by @Matt Weiner
Feed for philosophy on Bluesky! Use #philsky to add your post to the feed. Any level of seriousness welcome!
A quick feed hoping to aggregate all plant science, plant biology, botany, and agronomy posts on Bluesky! Remember to tag your post with both the 🌾 and 🧪emojis! These words will also tag your post in the feed: plant biology, agronomy, botany, plant science, chloroplast, photosynthesis, chlorophyll
For all things long 18th-century. Use #c18th, #18thC, or #c18 for posts on topics from around the globe: literary, history, political philosophy, fashion, material culture, and more! v 1.2 // Made at BlueskyFeeds.com